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The Age of Migration Fourth Edition

International Population Movements in the Modern World

by Stephen Castles; Mark J. Miller


Architectural Temperance outlines the artistic relations between Madrid and Rome from 1700 to 1758, under the first two Bourbon monarchs. The book focuses principally on the activities of several Spanish architects that were sent to Rome by the Spanish Crown to immerse themselves in Roman architectural culture, and the subsequent establishment of a program of architectural education at the newly founded Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. Victor Deupi explores why a nation such as Spain would temper her own building traditions with the larger, global trends of Roman art - both ancient and modern - rather than cultivate her own national and regional architectural traditions. Including previously unpublished documents and letters that shed light on the theoretical debates that shaped mid-18th century architecture in Madrid and Rome, Architectural Temperance provides an insight into18th century Spanish architecture in English.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2009
ISBN-13 9781606230695
ISBN-10 1606230697
Class Copyright
Publisher Guilford Publications Incorporated
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 370
Length of Recording 24
Shelf No. JR217