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Crime scene investigation criminalistics and the law

West Legal Studies

by Buckles Thomas.


Crime Scene Investigation: Criminalistics, and the Law is a new title that is the first to include not only crime scene investigation and criminalistics, but also the laws that govern them. It focuses on how the crime scene should be investigated, searched, and processed for evidence, but also includes an emphasis on the legal admissibility of these procedures. The book also discusses the forensic value of physical evidence and the role of forensic science and criminalistics in evaluating this evidence and presenting it in court. Specific types of physical evidence are addressed including fingerprints, DNA, blood, hair, bite marks, and weapons and ballistics. The book is heavy on informative content that is reinforced by the many valuable and illustrative photographs, exhibits, and actual cases. This book is a vital tool for anyone who works in investigation, analysis, reporting, prosecution, or defense of criminal case law. The approach of the book goes from a wider general perspective to the specifics and explains what a crime scene investigation is, who the investigators are, how the scene should be investigated, and the role of the evidence in court. The book uses timely and familiar cases to help students better understand the importance of proper crime scene investigation including the World Trade Center attacks, Scott Peterson's murder trial, and the D.C. sniper case. With learning tools such as key terms, definitions, relevant Internet references, and end of chapter summaries, this book will leave the reader with a complete education regarding crime scene investigation.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2007
ISBN-13 9781401859299
ISBN-10 1401859291
Class Copyright
Publisher Thomson/Delmar Learning
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 323
Length of Recording 15
Shelf No. HW003