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The fiddler of the reels and other stories 1888-1900

Penguin classics

by Hardy Thomas


In the title story, Car'line Aspent, bewitched and seduced by the dazzling fiddler Mop Ollamoor, rejects her loyal suitor Ned only to repent her decision and seek him out years later. The ten other stories share the theme of love, but they are more than simple love stories. Written with Hardy's customary compassion for ordinary women and his sharp sense of irony, they tell of romantic disasters, betrayals, misunderstandings, and cruelties. The stories in this collection were written between 1888 and 1900, when Hardy was also writing his greatest and most important novels.

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Classic Audio

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Book Information

Copyright year 2003
ISBN-13 9780140439007
ISBN-10 0140439005
Class Copyright
Publisher Penguin Books
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 399
Length of Recording 16
Shelf No. HD336
Grade Range 12 - 12
Ages 18 - 99