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Litigation and trial practice for the legal assistant

West Legal Studies series

by Blanchard Roderick D.


This book is the most comprehensive text available and examines all facets of civil litigation. This is the only litigation text for the paralegal that makes an effort to explain legal theory and trial strategy. The focus is on judicial procedures and rules of law, not generic law office procedures. The authors' objective is to make paralegal full members of the litigation team so they know what is happening and what the next step should be. Paralegals should feel as though they are contributors, not merely assisting. Since civil litigation is directed and controlled by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, this book focuses on the rules, explains those rules, how they operate and how they apply to a paralegal's work. Paralegals who master the information in this book will be able to communicate effectively with lawyers about civil litigation matters.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2001
ISBN-13 9780766827073
ISBN-10 0766827070
Class Copyright
Publisher West / Thomson Learning
Subject LAW
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 712
Shelf No. GM363