The Count of Monte Cristo A Bantam classic by Alexandre Dumas Copyright Year: 2003 ISBN-13: 9780553213508 Available format(s): VOICEText (H) Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
The Prince and The Pauper Bantam classic by Mark Twain Copyright Year: 1991 ISBN-13: 9780553212563 Available format(s): VOICEText (H) Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
The Jungle Bantam classic by Upton Sinclair Bantam reissue Copyright Year: 2003 ISBN-13: 9780553212457 Available format(s): VOICEText (H) Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Maggie a girl of the streets and other short fiction Bantam classic by Crane Stephen Copyright Year: 1986 ISBN-13: 9780553213553 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
The dialogues of Plato Bantam classic by Plato. Copyright Year: 1986 ISBN-13: 9780553213713 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Oliver Twist Bantam classic by Dickens Charles Bantam classic ed Copyright Year: 1981 ISBN-13: 9780553211023 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Kidnapped Bantam classic by Stevenson Robert Louis Copyright Year: 1982 ISBN-13: 9780553212600 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Anna Karenina Bantam classic by Tolstoy Leo Bantam Classic ed Copyright Year: 1981 ISBN-13: 9780553213461 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
The Odyssey of Homer a new verse translation Bantam classic by Homer. Bantam Classic reiss Copyright Year: 2003 ISBN-13: 9780553213997 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Antony and Cleopatra A Bantam classic by Shakespeare William Bantam ed. Copyright Year: 1988 ISBN-13: 9780553212891 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.