Image for The Enlightenment : a brief history with documents

The Enlightenment : a brief history with documents

Bedford series in history and culture

by Jacob Margaret C.


In an unusually diverse collection, Margaret Jacob presents the eighteenth-century movement known as the Enlightenment that forever changed the political, religious, and educational landscape of the day. Selections by some of the period's most important thinkers include pieces by Locke, Rousseau, Mary Wortley Montagu, Denis Diderot, and Moses Mendelssohn. She covers the movement's lengthy evolution in a comprehensive introduction, which establishes the issues central to understanding the documents and provides important background on the political and social debates of the period. All documents are preceded by headnotes, and the volume includes a chronology, 14 illustrations, a bibliography, and an index.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2001
ISBN-13 9780312179977
ISBN-10 0312179979
Class Copyright
Publisher Bedford / St. Martin's
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 237
Shelf No. MP941