Image for Looking backward  2000 - 1887

Looking backward 2000 - 1887

Bedford series in history and culture

by Bellamy Edward


First published in 1888 and a phenomenal best-seller, "Looking Backward" is Edward Bellamy's utopian novel about ninteenth-century Bostonian who awakes after a sleep for more than one hundred years to find himself in the year 2000 in a world of near-perfect cooperation, harmony, and prosperity. More than just a fanciful novel, "Looking Backward" was, in effect, Bellamy's blueprint for a socialist-type state, conceived in response to problems of the Gilded Age brought on in part by the pace of the late-nineteenth-century industrialization. The novel had an enormous impact at the time of its publication, setting in motion a wave of reform activity and creating a vogue for utopian novels that continued over the next three decades. In addition to an extensive introduction, Daniel Borus's new edition of "Looking Backward" contains a chronology of Bellamy's life, a bibliography, questions to consider when reading the novel, and an index.

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Book Information

Copyright year 1995
ISBN-13 9780312105914
ISBN-10 0312105916
Class Copyright
Publisher Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 214
Shelf No. FS366